Getting around in and around Tokelau
If you're looking for bus tickets in Tokelau, or train tickets or even ferries in Tokelau, maybe we can help. For trains we recommend you to check out
Rail Europe or
Rail Europe World.
For car hire you can
compare prices from all major car hire companies hereRenting a car in Tokelau
If you want to rent a car in Tokelau, it's always good to see if there are any good local car rental companies around. But for a sure thing, known company, and reliable service, we recommend you check out Hertz, Europcar, or Avis.
Bus tickets in Tokelau
However, if you have decided you want to take a bus instead, there are different options.
Train tickets in Tokelau
For trains we recommend you to check out
Rail Europe or
Rail Europe World.
Trains, buses, cars, whichever way you feel like travelling, it is all good. You just need to find yourself the best car rental prices or great times on buses, or fastest and most affordable train tickets. Hopefully we will be able to offer you the resources you need.